Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mud skipper

 Well it all started in a small pool my friends and I were looking for food. When we could feel the ground thumping, the kids were here to plant their mangrove saplings.OH no a foot was coming down on me I try to move but I was frozen with fear.  My friend pushed me out of the way. I watched him die in pain. The little child pulled his chubby leg out of the mud. My friend was no where to be seen.
 I thought to me self just skip. So I went as fast as my body could take me in the opposite direction of the hole left by that little child. As I was going a long there were kids all over the place getting stuck. I felt a little sorry for them but their were probably taking the homes and lives of crabs and mud skippers. My heart pounded as I skipped a long the ground. Crabs were popping back in their holes.
 I decided that I could not run from this problem every time the kids came to plant the tree saplings. I was going to try and find a better place to live. Another part of the swamp, the far end where the trees are high. I had to go back and try to save so crabs from the boots of the kids. The mud skippers from drowning in mud. What a great idea that was. I headed back to help and just like before a boot came over me it was over. I had at least tried to help. I guess it was just not my day to shine.
 There were many unhappy people and creatures that day. The crabs in peoples boots, the mud skippers dying and the people how had to walk home in crab boot or mud skipper hair. Hopefully next time the kids come we will be ready for them and they for us.

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