Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The time I had courage

It all starts when I was six. We had gone on a summer holiday to Disney Land in America. Our family stayed there for a day or two to see all the sights of Disney and Universal Studios. Then we all took the gigantic silver train to San Diego for a beach and bay holiday , at the end of the week my Mum and Dad got married in La Jolla it was so exciting. We then spent the rest of the holiday on the Baja Coast if Mexico in a lovely white washed house on the beach.

There were so many great memories of that holiday but the thing I remember the most ,other than my Mum and Dad getting married was in Disney Land.It was the day we arrived. We had split up into little groups. All the girls and all the boys. We said that we would meat at lunch and tell each other what we did. When we met at lunch my brother told me all about this giant roller coaster. I got so jealous of him that I said I would have a try. What a big mistake that was! My brother led me to the roller coaster I wanted to run away but I couldn't.I had told my brother I would do it and he would laugh at me if I didn't do it. So I thought to myself if my brother did it I could do it. The palms of my hands were all sweaty and I knew it was because I was anxious and scared. Slowly I got onto the roller coaster. My heart was pounding in my chest. I tried to stay calm. Off we went going upside down, doing sharp turns right and left,  jolting forwards and speeding downhill as fast as a bullet. I loved it! What a ride!

When the ride was finish I went round looking for a bigger and better roller coaster. I didn't find one that I was allowed on.I was either to short or my Dad said no. I did manage to go on the same coaster two more times before my family got bored of waiting for me. I had been so scared that I almost didn't go on,and now I am the first in the queue when we go to the fairground and run to get on a roller coaster. I sort of have my brother to thank for my love of rides. I overcame my fear and had the courage to get on.


  1. Wow! You must have been brave to go on that roller coaster. The way you described it made the roller coaster sound really scary. I liked the way you said the roller coater was as fast as a bullet. I've been on a roller coaster too, in Tokyo, disney land (Japan) and I hated it. I never knew that you liked roller coasters. Your blog post is really interesting to read, Esme.

  2. Like Josephine said... WOW! I am scared of roller coasters, but you must have been brave to go on one. The way you described it made it seem pretty scary but also fun.

    "I did manage to go on the same coaster two more times before my family got bored of waiting for me."

    This part made me laugh out loud! You did an amazing job. You must have known what you wanted to write from the moment we were given this task. I never got bored!

  3. That's a really big show of courage! I didn't go on rollercoasters till I was 7! (Well, at least not very big ones.) I think it's lovely how your brother helped you get over your fear of rollercoasters. Your story was very nice to read and created a very detailed image in my mind. I like how the length of your sentences vary. I didn't know your parents got married when you were six! That's so cool! Your story had a lot of interesting details. I didn't even know that La Jolla existed! I did know that Sand Diego did though. So over all I really liked your memory of courage and I wish I was that couragous when I was six!
    -Madyson Bradford
