Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

 Listening to the This I Believe essays I heard many inspiring stories especially Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace. This essay was about the journey to mustering the courage to overcome an emotion tail spinner. This essay was written by Dani Weathers who is studying at Ohio State University and want to be a teen fiction author. She discussed that courage plays a big part in over coming obstacles in life. Dani believes that life is worth fitting for and we shouldn't give up because life is too precious to loose. 

 She tells us her story to show how her experience have helped her to become who she is today. Her story is about her struggle through her fathers death and how she copped through the situation. He first feels like when her dad dies that she had died too. Dani starts to cut her self in the hope that when she feels the pain of sharp object digging into her skin, she will be reminded that she is still alive. She started to hate people around which made her feel even more lonely than before. Dani Weathers finally came to her self when a former boyfriend shouted at her, "It happened four years ago! Get over it already! Just move on!" She realized that she couldn't continue to let cutting and depression control her life. After years of trying to mend her life by cutting, she was finally ready to start the real process of healing.

 I was drawn to this essay as to me courage is something everyone needs to help them overcome obstacles in life. Just like Dani, I have had to learn that sometimes we have to get over our fears and face them. It is never easy but with help from others everyone can face even the biggest of their fears. I feel that Dani Weathers discussed one of the most important lessons that everyone has to learn one way or another. "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. " By: Eleanor Roosevelt. I think this best describes Dani Weathers reason to write this essay.     

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