Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Mysterious Major

 Julius Schmahling was a teacher before he became the major of the Haute-Loire district in France.When he was a teacher Schmahling crushed a little boy in his classroom. After this happened the boy didn't say a word for the rest of the year. Schmahling meant that he was destroying the boys self-confidence, his idea's, and his spirit when he was crushing him. He was also destroying something in himself in the very act of destroying the moment of joy in the little boy's life. He was destroying a piece of himself a piece that he could never get back. A part of his personality, his happiness, and his self-confidence. This was like the relationship between the Nazi's and the people that they ruled. The Nazi's destroyed who they were, and their joy. They made them scared, and full of fear like Schmahling made the little boy feel.


  1. HEY ESME!
    THIS IS GREAT! I really think that you went to straight to the point, and your point was exact as well. This was short and simple, and you don't need to change anything.


  2. Oh, and you have a great conclusion.
